Saturday, February 28, 2009

Playing House

It has been some time since I've updated, and since I finally have a free Saturday morning I thought I would catch you all up on my comings and goings.

I still love my job, especially the whole getting paid more than minimum wage part. In fact, because of that paycheck, I'M MOVING OUT!!! I am currently in the process of looking for apartments. I want to be near Blake, and fortunately he also lives near some of my closest friends (Philip, Lindsay and Sean, and Vanessa-if and when she moves out). Turns out it's a lot faster to drive to work on the George Bush tollway than it is from my parents house. And I'll be really close to one of my favorite places in the whole world, Central Market (which, aside from having incredibly fresh produce and a meat lover's heaven of a butcher section, also has the best smelling bathrooms in Dallas-weird, but true). So that's where a lot of my time and energy has been spent-focusing on the move out that I (and my parents) have been hoping and dreaming for for 2 years.

I've also been perfoming at church, going to friends' shows around town, celebrating my birthday, trying to visit with my nephew, celebrating Valentine's Day with Blake...busy busy busy as usual.

Speaking of Blake, we've spent the last week playing house. I think he would love it if I moved in for real, but I really need some time of my own before I do that and he gets it. He is amazing. But back to playing house. He invited me to stay with him for the last few months until I move out. To which I was like, oh goodness, I just don't know...I would feel so in the way. So (because he's amazing) he said, well, then move in for a week. If you like it, stay another week. You can always go home whenever you want. (Have I mentioned he's amazing?) So I spent last week with him. And it was wonderful. So I'm staying another week. And probably another. I'm hopeless. And silly. And completely in love. It's kind of sick.

There's my quick update. I'm going to go enjoy my Saturday morning, and with any luck I'll be back on here sooner than later. =)