Monday, October 20, 2008

The Half Billion Price Tag

On the way to work this morning the DJ's were doing their daily "Sleazy Look At Hollywood" segment, which I of course listen to religiously. The bit that caught my attention was an update on the fourth installment of "The Pirates of the Caribbean" series. Apparently Johnny Depp is not so keen to jump back into Jack Sparrow's eyeliner and dredlocks, but said sure, why not-for $550 million. HA HA HA said the devilish Sparrow on his shoulder, THEY'LL NEVER GIVE IN TO THAT RIDICULOUS DEMAND.


That's right. The world's most favorite pirate will return to the silver screen for the bargain price of $550 million dollars. Which is absolutely ridiculous, of course, but when you're Disney I suppose there is no price tag too high. Just out of curiosity I Googled $550 million dollars to get a better idea of its worth (because I can't even comprehend what I would do with $550 million). Here are some of the results:

  • MySpace sold for half a billion dollars in 2006
  • So did Facebook.
  • It cost $500 million to make Spiderman 3...the ENTIRE movie.
  • According to one article, half a billion will buy you 1,500 houses, 83,000 pairs of diamond earrings, 200,000 flatscreen tv's, 23 million toasters, or 179 million Big Macs.
  • The Rolling Stones grossed $500 million from their concert tour in 2007...a concert tour that spanned TWO YEARS.
  • Aaron Spelling's ENTIRE ESTATE was estimated at half a billion.
  • The 2008 presidential nominees raised a combined $500 million in 2007 in campaign funds.
  • The four Seminole tribe casinos in Florida bring in a combined half billion each year.
  • Grand Theft Auto IV sold $500 million in it's first week.

Who says we're in a recession?! Let's all go work for Disney, since they obviously have moolah to spare. And congratulations, Mr. Depp, I admire the balls it takes to even throw that kind of number out there. Now, if I could only figure out what the taxes on that would be...

1 comment:

Alicia said...

That is unfathomable. $550 million to act in a movie?!

I just caught up on your blog. You need to come over for coffee one Wednesday morning to catch up. (That's the day you're off, right?) Let me know when you're free.