Monday, June 29, 2009

It's About Time...

...and lately I haven't had any. Change seems to come so quickly, it can be quite painful when it is making it's mark, and then just as swiftly it disappears leaving you breathless in its wake. That's what this year has been about. Change.

The first big change was Blake, who is amazing, still in my life, and a big part of all the changes that have been taking up so much of my time. But you already knew that ;)

The next big change was my job at Microsoft, which is amazing, still in my life, and an even bigger part of all the changes in the last few months.

The BIG change was the official moving out.

I'M OUT!!!!

May 1st I moved into an adorable 1 bedroom plus den apartment in a nice area (it's definitely diverse-and I'm definitely the minority-but totally safe). Philip, Blake, my mother, father, Aunt June, Blake's parents Pat and Kathy, and my cousin Steven all very bravely helped me move my storage unit contents from Flower Mound to Dallas, then proceeded to help me unpack the majority of them. Kathy and Aunt June handwashed every dish I had, Dad determinedly hung my new flat screen tv over my fireplace, Mom helped me sort out everything (including some bad memories of Ben) and pack them away to the storage unit for donation, and Blake and Pat ran all over town getting things that we needed but forgot (everything from coaxial cable to flashlights to pizza-we had to eat sometime).

Luckily the rain held off until after everything had been unpacked from the car, and by 8 pm that night my apartment was almost fully furnished and about 75% unpacked. The only problem was that nothing was actually put away yet. Normally this wouldn't bother me, but turns out I had less than two weeks to get my apartment fully unpacked, put away, and liveable, because I got cast as Maria in the Sound of Music for Garland Summer Musicals.

Which is DEFINITELY a whole other blog.

So I guess that's part one of "Where's Nikki". I hope I get to host many happy get togethers in the next 10 months...after which I will be moving in with Blake =) Again, another blog. I'm ready for wine, friends, and laughter to fill my living let me know if and when you're ready to join me. Till then...

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