Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pour Some Sugar On Me

Remember how I said I was learning to quilt?  With my good friend Alicia's help this
turned into this

and then with a little bit of help from last year's birthday present (an awesome Singer Confidence...I know, I'm totally a craft nerd for being excited about my sewing machine) those colorful strips became

A super fancy (and sharp) rotary cutter (that's craft nerd speak for a pizza cutter for fabric) gave me these

Aren't you impressed so far?  The girl who cooks with a dash of this and a dash of that has actually followed directions so far!
Now the first glimpse of what's to come...
And after some patient sewing together of  each square into a row, and then two rows together I had this
(I had to hang the strip on my shower curtain rod, so the red behind the squares is my shower curtain and not my nifty handywork.  That's what happens when you live in a teeny one bedroom apartment and the longest rod in your house is in the shower.)
And FINALLY, 11 hours, 2 glasses of wine, and 1 Blake-free evening later...

It's possible I'm exaggerating the 11 hours.  But not by much.
How cool is my quilt?!
It's not quite a quilt yet.  This is only the top.  I now have to make the back of the quilt, line the inside with batting, bind it, and then quilt it.

Apparently this is not yet a quilt.

Quilting is the stitching that goes all over the blanket and gives it that puckery look.  Huh.  Never knew that before.  That's at least another 4 glasses of wine and several chapters of a Harry Potter audiobook.

The directions/pattern/tutorial Alicia chose for our quilt along can be found at the Old Red Barn Co.'s blog.  The link on the side called "How to Make a Quilt" gives you all the direction you need.  It's totally my kind of pattern...the kind that emphasizes it's okay to make mistakes, and every quilt will come out a little different.  And I suggest, if you try this time consuming but rewarding project, that you follow the buddy system.  It's been a lot of fun emailing back and forth with Alicia and meeting up on my day off to sew and chat.  It's also nice to have a human being to ask all my silly questions, like "How do I use this machine again?"

Some things never change I guess ;)


Blake said...

How ever did you survive a Blake-free evening? :)

I can't wait to snuggle with you under your amazing new quilt!

Lauren said...

Omg! I am so impressed! I don't really have a hobby...except for cooking....and working out.

Chris said...

you are so domesticated! I like the colors that you have chosen... all coordinated like.

Alicia said...

I'm finally catching up on blogs and got to see this. It's amazing! LOVE it. I can't wait to finally get together again for some quilting. Would you have thought 15 years ago (yeah, I said 15!) that we'd be sitting quilting in my dining room now? =)