Thursday, May 20, 2010

Turning Two...and Other Milestones

My nephew Jackson turned two last week!  I honestly can't believe how much time has flown...I remember getting the phone call (as I was speeding through OK to try and make it for the birth) that Jackson James had entered the world.  That news changed the course of my life.  Up to that point I had been seriously considering (and even planning) to move back to New York City to try and make a career as an actress.  The moment I laid eyes on that beautiful little boy I knew I could never again make the choice to be away from my family.  It was always hard when I was on tour to be missing important family events (birthdays, weddings, holidays), but I could always justify it with the thought that everyone knew and understood that my job had different demands than the average 9-5 gig.  But when I started to think ahead (and BINGO-that was milestone #1 for me, actually thinking further ahead than the next 6 months), and I started to imagine explaining to little Jack why I missed Christmas...or his birthday...or his graduation...

It just wasn't worth it.

And that was the day I decided my life was going to be different.  I decided that what was most important to me was the kind of LIFE I had, not the kind of JOB I had.  My father has always told me that whatever I decide to do, I should do it with passion.  I am passionate about my family.  I complain about them, whine about them, give them a hard time, but at the end of the day I would rather have had a life full of family than anything else.  I want to be cool Aunt Nikki, weird Aunt Nikki, fun Aunt Nikki-not absent Aunt Nikki.

My life turned around completely in a matter of 24 hours.  The Monday morning Jack was born, I was merely Nikki, undecided.  Monday evening I was Aunt Nikki, smitten and galvanized.  I wonder if my nephew will ever know or understand what a wonderful birthday gift he was, and that if I spoil him rotten it is not just because that's my job but because he gave me such a wonderful gift.  He gave me the life I always wanted by showing me the possibilities of family.

In the two years that have passed, Jack has grown from a fussy infant to a clever toddler.  I suppose the same could probably be said for me.  We've both done a lot of growing up over these last 24 months.

Happy birthday, Jack.  And thank you :D

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