Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I've Been Tagged!

I've been sadly neglecting my blog, and thanks to my good friend Lauren Parr from "The Fabulous Life of Lauren" I have a nice little push to get back into the blogosphere.  Lauren tagged me in a blog survey (TAG!  you're it!), and I thought it would be fun to answer.  So here we go...

What is your greatest achievement?

For me, nothing will ever top the moment when I was standing in Rockefeller Plaza, after a long hard day of many, many auditions, and I received the phone call that I was being offered a job in a Broadway national tour.  Since I was a little girl all I had ever dreamed about was singing and dancing and standing at the edge of a big stage, taking a bow and basking in the applause.  That moment in the middle of the city that never sleeps, my biggest dream came true.  Even though I ultimately decided to take a different road, I will always carry with me that no dream is too big or out of reach.

What is your worst habit?

I bite my nails.  And I mean baaaad.  I've been trying so hard to break the habit-this last year especially.  I mean, I have this gorgeous diamond ring on my hand now, and somehow when I'm gazing at in wonder my hand just drifts toward my mouth...and eeewwww.  I hate it hate it hate it-and can't seem to break it.  Especially when I'm super stressed.  Which I have been (I've quit my job, I'm planning a wedding...gee, what do I have to stress about?!).

What did you want to be when you "grew up"? 

Well, I went through a lot of phases (what kid didn't?!).  The first thing I remember telling people I wanted to be was the first female President, but then I realized I didn't quite have the temperament (or the ability to filter my opinions) for a politician.  There was a long period of time where I wanted to be an author-I love books, I love language, and I love expressing myself.  I still haven't quite let go of that dream yet, although I put it aside the first time I sang in choir and got bit by the acting bug.  Then I settled on "I want to be an actress when I grow up."  Well, so far I'm one for three-TWO for three if you count blogger as an official publication!  So maybe I should start coming up with a campaign slogan...

What is your favorite childhood memory?

My parents are not going to believe this, but my favorite childhood memories are of all the road trips we took from Texas to Pittsburgh and back again.  When I was little we didn't have the money for flying, and my parents weren't going to let us miss out on visiting our family up north.  So when summertime would roll around they pulled out the old Snail Cartop Carrier, pile me and my brother in the backseat of the station wagon with a sleeping bag, and at 4 AM off we'd go across America.

It wasn't all apple pie and sunshine.  There was a lot of "Don't touch me!!!"  "Are we there yet?!"  "I HATE that music!" and we were all a LOT happier when we got to upgrade to a minivan.  But mostly what I remember is playing car bingo and travel trivia.  I remember taking a slightly longer route to see the mountains of Tennessee.  I remember making chipped ham sandwiches in the backseat and drinking pop-and never once feeling like I was missing out because we weren't stopping at McDonald's for take out.  I remember stopping at a really special McDonalds where the Golden Arches spanned over the highway.  I remember learning to both appreciate and tolerate my family-and in return I think they learned to appreciate and tolerate me.  No fancy DVD players for this family, just good old family torture-I mean, fun!

How did you decide on the name for your blog?

I've always wanted to be a Disney princess (Belle, to be precise) and what better way to tell my story than starting at the beginning like any good fairy tale..."Once Upon A Time..."

What is your favorite place to go out to eat?

The Olive Garden for salad and breadsticks, usually consumed with a bottle of wine alone at a table while reading a book.  Yes, I like to dine alone, and no, it's not weird.  Especially since I also happen to share the same meal with friends on a pretty regular basis too!
What is the last book you read?

"The Rainmaker" by John Grisham.  I loved it until the end, and then it was a little disappointing.  But still good enough to keep me up waaaaay past my bedtime.
What is your favorite family tradition (new or old)?

The newest tradition seems to be gathering at my parent's new house every Saturday night for fishing on the pond and dinner.  The funny part is, it's never a really big deal, and we never really plan on it, but somehow as the day starts drawing to a close we all suddenly decide it's time to go to "Bubbi's Big House" (as Jack has dubbed it-he calls my mom "Bubbi") and fish until it's too dark to see.  Then we go and eat whatever mom has laying around the house.

I have started my own tradition that I hope to continue with my children (if and when that happens), which is Cookie Day.  The last two years I have put aside a day in December for baking all Christmas goods, which get handed out to co-workers, neighbors, friends, etc.  Some of them just get consumed as they bake, but the real fun is in the baking itself.  Because I'm not a baker by any means, and where I go trouble (or at least a huge mess) generally follows.  The day has produced some legendary stories and involved many of my family members, and-oh yeah-we end up with some pretty tasty treats too!

Here's the part where I'm supposed to tag someone else, but not many of my friends and family keep a blog!  LOL So if you've read this and think it would be fun to answer, make sure you let me know, I'd love to read it!

As for me, I'm hoping this will help jumpstart the blog back up.  The wedding planning is well on its way, the holidays are upon us, and I have a lot of stories to catch you up on, so see you soon...

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