Tuesday, May 27, 2008

So It Goes

This weekend marked the end of The Full Monty, and I ended up feeling much more emotional about it than I expected. Ending a show is always hard-every experience is special, unique, and (usually) hard to let go of. You can never recreate the chemistry that sparks when the right people do the right show together. As you grow in life you bring different things to the table and the recipe changes. Having been in theatre so long now, I rarely get upset about a show closing. I have learned that all good things must, and should, come to an end.

This is the second time time, however, that I have done Monty, and I entered with some hesitation. The first time was a truly life-altering experience...I met some incredible people, worked with an amazing director, and for the first time in my life stepped out of my little ingenue comfort zone to portray two very different characters, both vocally and as an actress. I also fell head over heels in love with every one of the six "Montys". I didn't want to mar the memory of my first Monty experience by doing the show again and possibly have it turn out to be less than ideal.

I don't know if this show just attracts the right people, if the material galvanizes the group to become better than they are, if God was looking out for me and granting me a wish, or if I just got lucky. I'd like to think it was all the above. Once again I fell into a group of people who happened to be exactly what I needed. Performing our final show wasn't so emotional because I felt like I was saying goodbye. It was emotional because I was so full of gratitude and love for the old friends who became closer to me and to the new friends I never knew I needed so much. God works in mysterious ways...who knew He wanted to teach me through six naked men? So to each of my "Montys" I say thank you, for showing me that bravery and beauty comes in all different packages. To my working class women friends, I say thank you for reminding me that I am not alone...and that it's not all about me. And to myself, I say congratulations for allowing yourself to have this experience and love it for what it is itself, and not for what is was before. And thank God for knowing and loving me so well.


~Hartwig Family~ said...

I wish I could have been there to support you.. I am sure you were awesome as usual!

Lauren said...

Oh my gosh, Nikki! I love you! I'm so glad God has introduced us to each other! Love you! (And beautifully written!)