Monday, July 7, 2008

So It Goes...

I always tell myself, "When this show is over, life will FINALLY get back to normal." Which is true, it does. What I forget is how busy, unpredictable, and utterly exhausting "normal" is. This last month, "normal" has consisted of traveling three weekends in a row, with more to come. I've managed to squeeze in a few friendly phone calls, emails and texts between plane rides and car trips, but I know I have been sadly absent (well, sadly on my part, I don't know if anyone actually missed me) from get-togethers, performances, and the general mayhem that my friends tend to create.

On the plus side, I got to spend Father's Day weekend with my six week old nephew, my brother, and my father. I stayed up with Jack for two nights in a row (poor baby, he wasn't pooping, which is one-third of what babies know how to do, so he was really cranky). I wasn't sure if my sister-in-law would trust me alone with him, especially with him not feeling well, but she was more than happy-even grateful!-for the help, which I supplied rather selfishly. It was my first alone time with my nephew, and I was gonna take it however I could get it. For two wonderful nights my Jackie boy cuddled up on my chest and shoulder and slept (albeit for only an hour and a half at a time) while I dozed. I fed him, sang to him, talked to him, rocked him, and memorized every feature of his face and every noise he made. It was torture leaving him, and I cannot wait until this weekend when he comes to visit us in Texas!!!

The following week I went to Napa Valley with my parents. It was pure bliss. Granted, the air was choked with smoke from all the wildfires, but it was so quiet. I spent the week tasting wine, making friends everywhere I went, eating constantly, and doing it more or less alone. Of course my parents were with me just about everywhere I went, but they left me to my own devices, allowing me to enjoy my first post-Ben, post-depression vacation on my own. And I enjoyed it. Pictures and more details to follow...I promise!

Finally, this weekend I went to San Antonio to watch my mom compete in a dance competition with her adult tap and jazz class. We spent a fantastic girls' weekend shopping at the outlets in San Marcos, visiting Fredericksburg, watching the dance competition, and wandering the Riverwalk. This weekend my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew are coming to stay, along with my Grandmother from PA, and my aunt and uncle and three kids from IL. Then I'm going to Pittsburgh for a family reunion. You know, I think I'm gonna need a vacation from all this vacation!

So that is my excuse for lack of and thoughts on my travels will follow as soon as I have rested...and caught up with my friends for real, and not just through blogging. After all, I am still a people person, not a virtual one :)

1 comment:

Jodes said...

So, it took me forever to try and remember how to get to your blog, until the light bulb came on and I realized that I had saved the email with your new email and blog details because, "Haha! I am BRILLIANT! Haha!" Oh, lord...I just read every blog you've written so far. I'm so out of the loop with you, and I don't like it one bit. I'm glad things are looking brighter for you. Things are looking up for me a little, I'm finally pulling out of my own depressive state and starting to feel good about life again...Unfortunately, my good friend, Kevin Surrette, passed away last week, 2 days before my show opened, so that was really tough to try to overcome, but I spoke with Bill Molesky, who is in the show with me, and he said "Use it in your performance. What better way to release your grief than through your character." So I did...and it really worked. It's unfortunate to feel the need to use something like that, but when you don't have time to deal with it offstage, you have to either shove it into the catacombs of your mind or bring it onstage with you. I chose the latter, and Kevin would have wanted it that way. Of that, I can be sure.
I miss you ridiculously...
Call you soon ;-)