Thursday, August 20, 2009

Exercise and Meatballs CAN Go Together

Day 2 of The X is, if anything, WORSE than Day 1. I was actually kind of excited about this video. It's called Plyometrics, which doesn't sound too threatening, and the opening of the video makes it sound like aerobics kicked up a bit. IT'S A LIE. I barely made it through the warm up-not kidding-and after jumping non-stop for 30 minutes I had to give up. Well, to be fair I didn't so much give up as look down at my shaking thighs and say "Jump, damn it, jump" and they just looked back at me, quivering, and said "Screw you lady."

Day 3 also happens to be my day off work, so I had every intention of getting up early, plunging headfirst into the video, and spending the rest of the day congratulating myself. Ah, well, as the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. My good intentions went down that proverbial path when I didn't wake up until 9 AM-and was still exhausted. After 3 hours of washing dishes, vacuuming, dusting, laundry, and other household chores I've been putting off, I was starving. Which meant another 2 hours of cooking and dishes (luckily this means I have enough food cooked for the next 3 days =) all portioned out and everything!).

Then I took a nap. Naptime is highly underrated and should be a national past time.

The X Day 3 is Arms and Shoulders-it's all resistance work with either weights or resistance bands. I opted for the bands. Finally a workout I could do and enjoy! I made it all the way through, stopping only a few times to figure out how to do an exercise rather than to catch my breath. I even made it through the 20 minute Ab Ripper video, although I only did half the reps the robots Tony Horton hired for his video did. Still, VICTORY! and a much needed shot of confidence.

I rewarded myself for a productive day with some Wii time. Just me and my Wii. Somedays that's all a girl needs.

My fabulous lunch, by the way, consisted of chicken meatballs and garlic bread-all made from Tony Horton approved foods. Let me tell ya, nothing goes better with a diet than a plateful of meatballs! I'll be posting the recipe for any interested. This is a recipe I'll definitely be using even when the diet is over. Look for updates tomorrow on The X Day 4-Yoga...for 90 minutes. Oh man, I'm already tired....

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