Monday, August 24, 2009

The X Day 4 is 90 minutes of Yoga, much of which I had to modify or skip all together seeing as how my legs were still mostly jello. The last 45 minutes is almost all stretching, and the next day it paid off. I was able to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom without groaning, cursing, or clutching on to furniture or walls for support.
Day 5 consisted of Leg and Back exercises, which I also made it through pretty well. I skipped the Ab Ripper video all together this day since I was past the point of exhaustion. All this protein is great for the fat burning, but man the lack of carbs is killing my energy. I dream about bagels and warm rolls with butter and potatoes of every kind at night. Sigh.

Day 6-Kenpo. This was by far the most fun. Kenpo is a little like Tai-Bo, but of course it has a Tony Horton twist. It's a lot of self-defense moves "aerobicized". Though easier that the Plyometrics, it is still NOT for the fainthearted. I made it through pretending alternately that I was either The Bride from Kill Bill or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I ninja'd the crap out of my living room.

AND BREATHE-Day 7, the stretch video!!! Blake and I skipped today all together in favor of a little down time. We spent a good deal of the afternoon cooking meals for the next week together. I've never been much for having a partner in the kitchen, but I loved having him there with me. It made the prep time go by so fast, and it made it seem less like we were cooking healthy meals and more like we were on a date. It helps that I'm head over heels in love with the guy.

In other news, I will be going in for a CAT scan on Wednesday-I've been having weird recurring UTI symptoms and the doctor is pretty sure I have kidney stones, but wants a scan to confirm. There are several other possible diagnoses and of course they want to rule out anything that might be more threatening. More updates on this as I get them =D

OH, and I do have a life outside of P90, and you will get to hear about it tomorrow since the workouts are all the same for the next 3 weeks. And, as I keep promising (even though I have yet to deliver) I WILL be posting pictures. Til then, my friends... :)

1 comment:

~Hartwig Family~ said...

Your doing awesome Nikki.. Keep it up!