Friday, May 14, 2010

A Barrage of Bullets

Since it's chaos around my house, this will be less of a post and more of a random bulleted update.  Enjoy!

  • I have turned over the keys to my apartment and I now live full time in the house!  This has taken a considerable load off my shoulders.  Blake will be completely moved in as of this weekend, and then we have no where else to go...
  • Which means we better start unpacking since currently the only clean spot in the house is the kitchen (suprisingly-only because Blake is a saint and does the dishes.  Though I love him for many reasons, I have to say this one is in the top 3.)  It is not very easy to take two complete households and cram them into one.  Especially since we're both packrats and, let's face it, lazy.  I would much rather do things like install my wine fridge or plant a garden than go through yet another box.
  • So I did.  I planted our garden out back (with considerable help from Saint Blake, who somehow got a shovel full of dirt in the face for his troubles.  Things like this tend to happen around me.  Sigh.)  I have rose bushes, rosemary, and several other things intended to attract butterflies and hummingbirds.  So far all I have are ants and a really bad sunburn.
  • New rules have been instituted in our household to try and keep some sanity.  Blake has only given me one rule.  If we are in separate rooms and I happen to drop/kick/break/bump into something or otherwise make a loud crashing noise followed by an expletive, I am required to immediately yell "I'm okay!" assuming, of course, that I am okay.  Apparently he thinks it's possible I could mortally wound myself during normal cleaning/unpacking activities and needs to know quickly whether to call 911 or just chalk it up to Nikki being Nikki.
  • My rules tend to be more numerous and specific.  Like don't drape your work pants on my chair in the living room when you get home.  Don't drape them on the couch either.  I don't care if it's your couch.  Yes, I do follow my own rules.  My clothes are in a pile on the bedroom floor, NOT on the couch or chair.  No, I don't want you to follow my example and start your own pile.  Because I said so.  Because I'm crazy and I think you're insane for wanting to stay with me when I am this crazy.  Thank you for staying with me when I'm a nut.  And thank you for not putting your pants on my chair or your couch.
  • Blake thought I would forget about ring shopping after we closed on the house, but really it's all I think about.  I can't wait to marry him someday (if he still wants to marry me after all the grief I give him-life with me will be an adventure to say the least).  I just wanted to put it out there that I still want to marry him.  Not just because I want to plan a wedding (and boy do I want to plan a wedding) but because I love him more than anything in the world.  Because he is my best friend.  Because I can't imagine a world without him.
Thus ends the bullets.  For now.  Pictures are coming, I swear!  And, I think it's safe to assume, there will be plenty more "We're Living Together-NOW WHAT?!" stories-there's no turning back now!

1 comment:

Chris said...

I love the Nikki Rule. It's a good one to have. P.S. who doesn't want to marry you?