Friday, August 20, 2010

Untitled and In Progress

I'm at home alone tonight, a rare occasion now that Blake and I live together, and I had a "Eureka" moment.

I'm so lucky.

I'm so very loved, in love, taken care of, needed.  I have a roof over my head.  I have my best friend and soul mate by my side.

The last 6 months or so everything has gone by in such a blur.  I haven't felt like myself-I didn't want to sing, to be outspoken, to be creative-I just was existing.

Tonight, I'm belting out Air Supply, Jason Mraz, and Martina McBride (thanks largely in part to an excellent Pinot Grigio) and wondering where the hell I've been.  Where's the feisty, bull-headed, whimsical, loveable me that all who love me...well, know and love?

Well, she's been bogged down (as usual) with things WAY beyond her control and focusing too much on what she can't do and not enough on what she can.

So watch out.  I'm back.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Isn't that a great revelation? That you have been lost because "real life" was getting in the way!?!! I'm glad you are BACK! And I can't wait to hang out! I miss you!